
Ecosystem of cooktops for the Indian culture


Oct 2022

Creation Place:

Umeå Institute of Design

Project Length:

4 weeks

Design for living and cooking practises in India.

The project started with an immersive research and interviews with people living in India. Our team member Yash is from Mumbai and could introduce us to their culture. "Jodana" is a concept for enabling traditional Indian cooking with an ecosystem of cooktops, while also exploring how people that live apart can share an experience and reunite with their individual cooking appliances in a later stage of their life.

Meet my team members Yash, Niklas and Indalecio.

Design for the Indian Cooking Culture.

“Indian feasts are not just about food; they’re about creating moments of togetherness.”

We learned in our research that typical Indian pans are called kadhai (कढ़ाई) and have a round bottom. They are used on mostly gas cooktops that are not integrated in the kitchen, like in the western culture, but are placed on top of it for more flexibility. In India food is about bringing the family on the table together.

Indian couples are sometimes forced to live apart to make more money in big cities.

The hope for a better life for their family, drives husbands to live alone in big cities.

Even though couples are married, there are often cases, where the husband decides to take a well paid job in big cities like Mumbai for a certain amount of time. The home town, which is typically a more rural smaller place, don't offer the same job opportunities. When they live alone they often buy cheap electronics for a single household and throw them away after the move back to their families.

HMW connect families living apart to share one cooking experience and sustainably reunite them later?

We developed a ecosystem of cooktops that can grow with the needs of the family. When the couple cooks apart they have their own cooktop, tailored to their needs as a singleton. When they meet up they can connect their coo

We developed a ecosystem of cooktops that can grow with the needs of the family. When the couple cooks apart they have their own cooktop, tailored to their needs as a singleton. When they meet up they can connect their coo

Adding additional cooktops

Timer function

Creating an ecosystem of unified cooking elements

Integrated scale indication of weight

The Process.

The Process.